City Beet Reporting Vol.1 No.11
Beans, Broccolini, Bok Choy, Bounty
Salutations City Beetniks,
It's Monday! I have it on good authority that that means tomorrow is Tuesday. Which means your friendly neighbourhood farmers will be at the Federal Store at 10th and Quebec from 4:00 to 6:30 pm for CSA pickup and our weekly market.
We've had a particularly exciting few days of harvesting-- all kinds of things came into being last week out of nowhere (well actually after lots of hard work and sunshine, but somehow their arrival is still a surprise to me). Among these new and exciting items are broccolini, bush beans, and plums!
We'll still be wearing masks at pickup, and we hope you'll join us in maintaining physical distancing and being careful to keep our community safe and healthy.
See below, dear reader, for more on what's what around here.
CSA 7 (the most powerful magical number) is made up of the following:
- Kale or Swiss Chard, duh
- 1 lb of Beans!!! (green or yellow)
- Lettuce Mix (1/3 of a pound, to be exact)
- 1 lb of zucchini
- Carrots, one bunch
- Bok Choy, 1 lb
- Plums! (exact amount tbd but it'll be exciting, don't worry)
- Broccolini (one bunch) OR one Cool Robbie (for those of you who don't follow our instagram, this is what we're calling Kohlrabi now-- auto-captions made it so)
One of our homeowners has a plum tree and we had a grand ol' time harvesting from it, which we're lucky to get to do! Aylah's family farm includes a lot of fruit trees so she was the real plum expert and guided the team effortlessly. Harvesting plums reminded me of harvesting apples at my grandparents' orchard every thanksgiving when I was a kid, and climbing trees has also never been part of any job I've had before, so that's another win for farming.
Not a CSA member?
The market is going to be bumpin' tomorrow, I promise! We'll have plums and beans and greens and flowers and a bunch of other things AND we'll be really happy to see you. 4:00 to 6:30. 10th and Quebec. |
In other farm news...
- Last week was all about getting our recently cleared beds planted up again. We were a bit behind on that front, but we got all our seedlings that survived the heat wave planted out, and did some direct seeding as well. Above are cucumbers and basil we transplanted where there used to be peas.
- We have ripe tomatoes! Not many, but it's looking promising for next week (please don't hold me to this, but please do get cautiously excited). Haley and Duncan ate the first ripe ones and I am told they were delicious.
- We also have eggplants that are good to go, but only about five. It'll still be quite a while before we have enough to share with you, unfortunately. Cucumbers, on the other hand, will be making an appearance on the market table tomorrow, and hopefully will join the CSA party soon. There are also lots of tiny bell peppers out and about. They're a ways off still, but are quite uniform, so we have high hopes they'll ripen simultaneously (knock on wood).
- I declared last Wednesday a National Holiday for the nation of City Beet, on account of it being my birthday, and Duncan and I went canoeing with a few of my family members, and we had doughnuts from Honey's in Deep Cove instead of a cake. It was a perfect day.
See you tomorrow,
Liana and Duncan |